Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. -Harold Whitman

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

{mary to-do}

1. martha challenge
2. mary challenge <- kind of cheated because I already did this here.
I did review it and made it pretty - it is on the side bar. --->
3. extra martha challenge
4. laundry
5. dressed to shoes
6. buy paint
7. menu & shopping list see below
8. graduation cards mailed
9. figure out zappos return
10. make Dr. apt for my mole
11. figure out teacher gifts! <- decided on really nice hand sanitizer & a heart felt note (especially since we arrived in the middle of the year)...easy peasy

pssst - I'm really glad melissa is here...she rocks!

ps - if you want to bask in my awesomeness...I was going through yesterdays mail (NOT putting it in a pile to go through 'later' - first woot!) and found another graduation announcement. So I got the card & check written, addressed & stamped. It is in my purse waiting to be mailed with the others. GO ME! Also, I didn't have any graduation cards and only one congratulations card and three graduates. Usually I would have said "well I can't send them until I have a card" = never gets done. So I found two blank note cards with envelopes and used those. The kids don't care - they are just happy to get the checks! ;) - so why should I worry about the card?

Tuesday: don't know (probably need to figure that out soon - lol)
Wednesday: Thai Red Beef Curry, Rice, Broccoli - TK
Thursday: Pasta Bolognese, Salad - TK
Friday: Quick Veg Chili w/Avo Salsa, Salad - CL02 <- Ben's favorite & I'm trying to keep us meatless on Fridays
Sat: Smoked Pork Chops w/grilled apricot & jalapeno chutney, green beans - FMF
Sun: Kelly's Overnight Chicken, Rice, Salad - P <-prepped the night before so no fuss
....I also sort of planned lunches, etc. My long term goal to have a detailed 3 meal plan + a prepped snack box to minimize the constant asking for food.
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1 comment:

  1. dude, mad props on the graduation thing. done is better than perfect! one of my new fave mantras. like you said, they just want the cash!

    i am humbled by your awesomeness, it radiates all the way to ohio.
